[ Source Code ] C++ Remote Functions

Jika Anda ingin mengontrol aplikasi, mendapatkan informasi tentangnya, Anda bisa mencoba source code di bawah ini, yang saya dapatkan dari UC-Forum Penulis : s0beit.

#ifndef __REMOTE_HEADER__
#define __REMOTE_HEADER__

namespace Remote
    namespace Allocate
        void*    Alloc( HANDLE hProcess, size_t Size );
        void*    Commit( HANDLE hProcess, void* Data, size_t Size );
        void    Free( HANDLE hProcess, void* Data, size_t Size );

    HANDLE    GetRemoteProcessHandleA( char *pszProcessName );
    HMODULE GetRemoteModuleHandleA( HANDLE hProcess, const char *szModule );
    HMODULE RemoteLoadLibraryA( HANDLE hProcess, char *pszLibraryPath );
    FARPROC GetRemoteProcAddress( HANDLE hProcess, char *pszModuleName, char *pszProcName );

#endif //__REMOTE_HEADER__
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Remote.h"

namespace Remote
    namespace Allocate
        void* Alloc( HANDLE hProcess, size_t Size )
            return VirtualAllocEx( hProcess, NULL, Size, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );

        void* Commit( HANDLE hProcess, void* Data, size_t Size )
            void* AllocatedPointer = Alloc( hProcess, Size );

            if( AllocatedPointer )
                if( WriteProcessMemory( hProcess, AllocatedPointer, Data, Size, NULL ) == TRUE )
                    return AllocatedPointer;
                Free( hProcess, AllocatedPointer, Size );

            return NULL;

        void Free( HANDLE hProcess, void* Data, size_t Size )
            VirtualFreeEx( hProcess, Data, Size, MEM_RELEASE );

    HANDLE GetRemoteProcessHandleA( char *pszProcessName )
        HANDLE tlh = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, NULL );

        PROCESSENTRY32 proEntry;
        proEntry.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 );

        Process32First( tlh, &proEntry );
            if( _stricmp( pszProcessName, proEntry.szExeFile ) == 0 )
                CloseHandle( tlh );

                return OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, proEntry.th32ProcessID );
        while( Process32Next( tlh, &proEntry ) );

        CloseHandle( tlh );

        return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

    HMODULE GetRemoteModuleHandleA( HANDLE hProcess, const char *szModule )
        HANDLE tlh = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, GetProcessId( hProcess ) );

        MODULEENTRY32 modEntry;
        modEntry.dwSize = sizeof( MODULEENTRY32 );

        Module32First( tlh, &modEntry );
            if( _stricmp( szModule, modEntry.szModule ) == 0 )
                CloseHandle( tlh );

                return modEntry.hModule;
        while( Module32Next( tlh, &modEntry ) );

        CloseHandle( tlh );

        return NULL;

    HMODULE RemoteLoadLibraryA( HANDLE hProcess, char *pszLibraryPath )
        unsigned long ulReturnValue = NULL;

        if( pszLibraryPath )
            FARPROC fpLoadLibraryARemote = GetRemoteProcAddress( hProcess, "Kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryA" );

            if( fpLoadLibraryARemote )
                void* AllocatedResult = Allocate::Alloc( hProcess, sizeof( unsigned long ) );
                void* CommitedLibName = Allocate::Commit( hProcess, pszLibraryPath, strlen( pszLibraryPath ) + 1 );

                if( CommitedLibName )
                    unsigned char LoadLibraryAThreadBuffer[ 22 ] =
                        0x68, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,         //push lib name
                        0xB8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,        //mov eax, LoadLibraryA
                        0xFF, 0xD0,                         //call eax
                        0xA3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,         //mov result, eax
                        0x33, 0xC0,                         //xor eax, eax (eax = 0)
                        0xC2, 0x04, 0x00                     //retn 4

                    *( unsigned long* )( LoadLibraryAThreadBuffer + 0x01 ) = ( unsigned long ) CommitedLibName;
                    *( unsigned long* )( LoadLibraryAThreadBuffer + 0x06 ) = ( unsigned long ) fpLoadLibraryARemote;
                    *( unsigned long* )( LoadLibraryAThreadBuffer + 0x0D ) = ( unsigned long ) AllocatedResult;

                    void* RemoteBufferToWrite = Allocate::Commit( hProcess, LoadLibraryAThreadBuffer, sizeof( LoadLibraryAThreadBuffer ) );

                    if( RemoteBufferToWrite )
                        HANDLE hSpawnedThread = CreateRemoteThread( hProcess, 0, 0, ( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE ) RemoteBufferToWrite, 0, 0, 0 );

                        WaitForSingleObject( hSpawnedThread, INFINITE ); // Async..

                        ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, AllocatedResult, &ulReturnValue, sizeof( unsigned long ), NULL );

                        Allocate::Free( hProcess, RemoteBufferToWrite, sizeof( LoadLibraryAThreadBuffer ) );

                    Allocate::Free( hProcess, CommitedLibName, strlen( pszLibraryPath ) + 1 );

        return reinterpret_cast< HMODULE >( ulReturnValue );

    FARPROC GetRemoteProcAddress( HANDLE hProcess, char *pszModuleName, char *pszProcName )
        FARPROC fpReturnValue = NULL;
        HMODULE hLocalKernel = GetModuleHandleA( "Kernel32.dll" );

        if( hLocalKernel )
            HMODULE hRemoteKernel = GetRemoteModuleHandleA( hProcess, "Kernel32.dll" );

            if( hRemoteKernel )
                unsigned long RemoteGetProcAddress =
                    ( unsigned long ) hRemoteKernel + ( unsigned long )( ( unsigned long ) GetProcAddress - ( unsigned long ) hLocalKernel );

                void* ResultOfGetProcAddress = Allocate::Alloc( hProcess, sizeof( unsigned long ) );

                void* CommitedProcName = Allocate::Commit( hProcess, pszProcName, strlen( pszProcName ) + 1 );

                if( ResultOfGetProcAddress && CommitedProcName )
                    unsigned char GetProcAddressThreadBuffer[ 27 ] =
                        0x68, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,         //push proc name
                        0x68, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,         //push module address
                        0xB8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,        //mov eax, GetProcAddress
                        0xFF, 0xD0,                         //call eax
                        0xA3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,         //mov result, eax
                        0x33, 0xC0,                         //xor eax, eax (eax = 0)
                        0xC2, 0x04, 0x00                     //retn 4

                    *( unsigned long* )( GetProcAddressThreadBuffer + 0x01 ) = ( unsigned long ) CommitedProcName;
                    *( unsigned long* )( GetProcAddressThreadBuffer + 0x06 ) = ( unsigned long ) hRemoteKernel;
                    *( unsigned long* )( GetProcAddressThreadBuffer + 0x0B ) = ( unsigned long ) RemoteGetProcAddress;
                    *( unsigned long* )( GetProcAddressThreadBuffer + 0x12 ) = ( unsigned long ) ResultOfGetProcAddress;

                    void* RemoteBufferToWrite = Allocate::Commit( hProcess, GetProcAddressThreadBuffer, sizeof( GetProcAddressThreadBuffer ) );

                    if( RemoteBufferToWrite )
                        HANDLE hSpawnedThread = CreateRemoteThread( hProcess, 0, 0, ( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE ) RemoteBufferToWrite, 0, 0, 0 );

                        WaitForSingleObject( hSpawnedThread, INFINITE ); // Async..

                        ReadProcessMemory( hProcess, ResultOfGetProcAddress, &fpReturnValue, sizeof( unsigned long ), NULL );

                        Allocate::Free( hProcess, RemoteBufferToWrite, sizeof( GetProcAddressThreadBuffer ) );

                if( ResultOfGetProcAddress )
                    Allocate::Free( hProcess, ResultOfGetProcAddress, sizeof( unsigned long ) );

                if( CommitedProcName )
                    Allocate::Free( hProcess, CommitedProcName, strlen( pszProcName ) + 1 );


        return fpReturnValue;
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Remote.h"

DWORD WINAPI lpThreadForSpaceBar( LPVOID lpParam )
    while( ( GetAsyncKeyState( VK_SPACE ) & 1 ) == 0 )
        Sleep( 100 );

    return 0;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    HANDLE hCalculator = Remote::GetRemoteProcessHandleA( "calc.exe" );

    if( hCalculator != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
        FARPROC RemoteLoadLibraryA = Remote::GetRemoteProcAddress( hCalculator, "Kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryA" );

        if( RemoteLoadLibraryA )
            printf( "Alamat LoadLibraryA adalah [0x%X]\n", RemoteLoadLibraryA );
            printf( "Alamat LoadLibraryA tidak ditemukan..\n" );

        HMODULE hRemoteUser32 = Remote::RemoteLoadLibraryA( hCalculator, "User32.dll" );

        if( hRemoteUser32 )
            printf( "Alamat USER32.DLL adalah [0x%X][0x%X]\n", hRemoteUser32, GetModuleHandleA( "User32.dll" ) );
            printf( "Alamat USER32.DLL tidak ditemukan..\n" );

        CloseHandle( hCalculator ); // CloseHandle dari OpenProcess
        printf( "Error opening process: INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE\n" );

    printf( "Press the space bar to continue...\n" );

    WaitForSingleObject( CreateThread( 0, 0, lpThreadForSpaceBar, 0, 0, 0 ), INFINITE );

    return 0;
Manfaat menggunakan implementasi ini adalah untuk loader misalnya, anda tidak perlu load module ke dalam loader anda untuk mendapatkan alamat "asing" mereka (kecuali kernel32.dll) dan module yang tidak memungkinkan untuk diload pada loader anda (seperti CSS tier0.dll atau vstdlib.dll) tidak menjadi masalah lagi.
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